Contact Colvin Infrared

To contact Colvin Infrared, please call 1-503-314-5182 or fill out the online contact form below.

Mailing address:Colvin Infrared, Inc.
PO Box A
Culver, Oregon 97734

Other locations in Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and Montana.

Colvin Infrared Staff

You can also contact our staff members individually

Mark Colvin 503-314-5182
Field Operations
Electrical Engineering
Transformers and Substations Maintenance
Infrared Testing

Lorna Colvin 541-948-6177
Office Operations
Infrared Testing

Joe Colvin 541-948-6230
Field Operations
Infrared Testing and Transformer Filtering

Sarah A. Colvin 541-213-7635
Office Operations

Electrical Engineering
Infrared Testing
Transformers and Substations Maintenance

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